Sring 2008

Sweet sleeping Joel ~ 9 months

Playing in the rain! We sure had plenty!

Our first time out on Daddy's new boat!

Jaden's Preschool Program/Graduation

Jaden loved Ms. Heather!

Happy Mother's Day to me! Here comes baby #4!

hmmm... where will the next one go? Jaden is wearing one of my old dresses she found at Grandma's house...

playing in the sprinkler

Our friends Andy and Erica got married on June 14th. It was very special to be there for them that day- Erica and I have been friends for 15 years, and Andy was her date to our wedding!

We're smiling cause we're out with no kids! And we kinda like eachother too...

My friend Mary and I (we've been friends since 3rd grade and had our first kids on the same day in rooms right next door to eachother)

1 comment:

Erica Davis said...

Are we that old to have been friends for 15 years?!? I love your wedding pictures- I will need copies of course!