Kate's Arrival!

Kate Elizabeth Eckelkamp
December 19th, 2008 11:29am
7lbs. 11oz. 20 in.

Well, finally, Kate arrived 10 days past her due date! I was induced Friday morning the 19th. They started Pitocin at 7:15 and in the next hour I only had about 3 contractions. We were afraid they were going to just say "too bad," and send us home, but Dr. Potts came through about 8:30 and broke my water. From there everything moved pretty fast! I had hard contractions every 2 minutes for the next hour before I got that blessed epidural. An hour later I was 7cm, then another hour I was ready to push! I pushed through only one contraction and she was here! They were surprised to see how tangled she was in the cord (tight around the neck twice, once around her shoulder, and around her belly). Usually the baby's heart rate drops when they're tangled, but she didn't show any signs of distress. As you can see, Derek helped deliver her, which was pretty cool. He wanted to, but once he realized how slippery she was, he wasn't so sure. But he didn't drop her, so he must've done it right! The kids were super excited to see her, Jaden wants to hold her all the time, Tyler really doesn't pay much attention to her, and Joel gets excited and likes to hug her, but he usually gives her a poke, pinch, or smack before he lets go. We're definitely seeing a new side if him now- our sweet little guy has quite a temper and attitude he's been displaying recently. Hopefully when things settle down, he will too.

I'll try to get some more pictures up of our first week home soon!


Nicole said...

Jamyn...she is beautiful! I love the picture of her with her little bow! By the way...you look way too good to have just had a baby!! Congratulations, you have a beautiful family!

mjb said...
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Erica Davis said...

I agree! You look great in every picture! I can't wait for Ty and Kate to meet- she's beautiful!