Merry Christmas! What a year, as always! We are so incredibly blessed and pray for each of you to feel the same! That brings to mind my favorite scripture right now, "Who am I, O Lord GOD, and what is my family, that you have brought us this far? And yet this was a small thing in Your sight… Now may it please You to bless the house of Your servant." This was a prayer of King David in 2 Samuel 7, where he cried out to God because he realized how God had been so faithful to him all his life, bringing him up as a young boy to fight against a giant, to now being king, giving him wisdom and strength, delivering him from enemies in battle after battle. What may seem to us like huge trials and adversities or even the biggest blessings, are so small compared to the power of the Lord. My challenge has been not taking my blessings for granted and seeking His guidance so that it pleases Him to bless me. My blessings aren't just for my pleasure, they're for His glory.
Now for an update on our 4 little blessings! We just celebrated Kate's 3rd birthday on the 19th. She is so much fun! She talks all the time and just has such a cute personality. She loves playing with the older kids and does such a good job learning games and songs and any other activity she thinks she should be able to do too. She is very particular about her clothes and shoes. That girl knows no relation between weather and wardrobe. I get some looks for letting her go with no jacket or in flip flops, but there are some battles not worth fighting every day- and that battle is a big one with her! She is always busy around here, so I know if I don't hear her, she is most likely digging in my purse for lips (chapstick) or gum.
Joel is the loviest little guy. He's the little body in the middle of our bed many mornings, and the little legs running off the soccer field mid-play for a hug, kiss, and a five… just because he "wuvs" us. He smiles non-stop and is always happy to do whatever it is we're doing! He's in pre-school this year on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. That's going well, but I sure am going to miss him when he goes to Kindergarten next year. I get all my love from him during the day, then when Derek gets home from work, it's his turn. Joel is Daddy's shadow when he's home.
Tyler is such a good kid. He is kind and smart, and loves to learn and help. He is very active. He goes outside when he gets home every day to play kickball, soccer, basketball, ride his bike, or jump on the trampoline. He is one of those kids who is naturally good at everything he does, but doesn't even realize it. Derek got all fired up this year watching him play soccer and is ready to coach his team next year! Tyler is so good about doing what I ask, loves doing chores for money (which I love!) and loves the extra attention when I sit and play a game, build legos, or read with him.
Jaden is quite the character! She definitely keeps us on our toes with her unique personality and creativity. She is always crafting something elaborate from random things she finds around the house, or writing stories, or making up a scenario for all the kids to act out, or choreographing dances and cheers, or practicing songs from kids' choir. Like any artist, she leaves a trail of messes in her wake, but they are worth seeing her finished work! Derek and I are so amazed, especially since neither of us are very creative. She has such a sweet, kind heart and is adored by all the little girls at church. As well as a certain little girl in this house. Kate thinks Jaden hung the moon and is always ready to be her little student. Jaden is the best big sister and is a huge help with Kate and Joel. It is so heartwarming to see my kids love each other.
We had a summer packed with fun this year. We vacationed with Derek's parents at Hilton Head for 2 weeks in June, it was probably our best vacation yet! We were home for a few days before we headed to Kansas City for my cousin Jake's wedding. Jaden was thrilled to be their flower girl and all the kids just danced and danced at the reception. We came back to a week of VBS at Grandma Seeley's church, then a weekend at the Lake of the Ozarks with my family, Joel's birthday, and VBS at our church. Then we had 2-1/2 weeks to check off the kids' summer to-do list of going to the zoo, city pool, bowling, picnics, sleepovers, Botanical Gardens. It was so busy, but we enjoyed every minute!
Derek and I are busy with life of course, but have had a little more time for hobbies this year. Derek has spent quite a bit of time recently at the farm bottoms across the road duck hunting. This is a passion of his and he loves being able to do it so close to home. He's still a CNC programmer at GH Tool and Mold. Business has been good this year and we are so thankful that he has a stable job that allows me to stay home.
I have really enjoyed building some new friendships this year, starting a new women's bible study, sewing/crafting a little more and training for some fitness goals. I started running in the summer of last year and completed my first 5K last fall. This spring I ran a 10K, then did a triathlon in September. It feels amazing to have conditioned myself to be able to accomplish that! It was so fun to train for too, I have always loved to swim and biking was fun to do with the kids in addition to the running I was doing. Biking hilly roads, pulling two kids in a trailer was great training! Derek and I went to Mexico just last month to celebrate our 10th anniversary coming up. We had a great time; and while it was nice to just relax together, we realized how much we enjoy our kids! Our kids have some pretty awesome grandparents who jumped right into our crazy house and took care of them while we were gone. We are so grateful to be close and have such good relationships with all of our family.
We hope you all have a truly wonderful Christmas and great blessings in 2012!
Much Love,
the Eckelkamp's
P.S. I can finally finish and print this letter since my photos arrived 3 weeks late! Happy New Year!
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